  • [미생물학] 바이오 에너지 연구(영문)
    What is Bioenergy? Bioenergy is renewable energy made available from materials derived from biological sources. Biomass is any organic material which has stored sunlight in the form of chemical energy. As a fuel it may include wood, wood waste, straw, manure, sugarcane, and many other byproducts from a variety of agricultural processes. So, Why do we produce Bioenergy? One reason governments
    2012-11-23 | 3,000원 | 50p | 미생물학 바이오 에너지   [미생물학] 바이오 에너지 연구(영문)
  • [생물공정공학] 바이오매스의 효율적이용과 바이오메탄의 정제공법(영문)
    waste. Because they are artificial, they has about 10-15 percent higher methane (CH4) content than normal landfill gas. Amount of organic waste is approximately 8,300tons/year by 2008 and 2007, among which only about 7% (6.1million tons/year) are used to source of energy (biogas).
    Bio-gas produced by using organic waste were used mostly as a heating fuel of the dige
    2011-09-06 | 1,400원 | 14p | 바이오 바이오메탄 정제공법 생물공정공학 바이오매스   [생물공정공학] 바이오매스의 효율적이용과 바이오메탄의 정제공법(영문)
  • [기계공학] 열유체 공학실험(영문)
    2) Fuels (1) Solid fuels: Coal and Biomass Coalis one of most important fuel in Korea for electricity production and other industrial uses. It consists of the remains of vegetation deposits of past geologic ages, after subjection of biochemical actions, high pressure, temperature, and submersion. The characteristics of
    2010-11-09 | 1,400원 | 9p | 공학실험 기계공학 열유체 공학 실험   [기계공학] 열유체 공학실험(영문)
  • [에너지공학] SOFC(Solid Oxide Fuel Cell)
    Do not use expansive catalyst Do not need reforming Do not need electrolyte supplement Price is cheaper than others Technical characteristic simple process caused by various fuels (Natural gas/coal gas) Do not need reforming (only for using hydrogen) variety form and high efficiency are possible because components are solid
    2010-08-31 | 1,600원 | 14p | 에너지공학 Fuel Oxide SOFC Solid   [에너지공학] SOFC(Solid Oxide Fuel Cell)
  • 신재생에너지 기술개발 현황(영문)
    1.1 New Renewable Energy New Renewable Energy= new energy+ Renewable Energy New energy : future energy Renewable energy: almost indefinitely energy condition 1 Replace petroleum 2 Carbon emits less than petroleum. 3 Sustainable energy can be used without depletion
    2013-11-18 | 1,500원 | 23p | energy is   신재생에너지 기술개발 현황(영문)
  • [미국 폐기물][폐기물 재활용기관(CWC)]미국의 폐기물 분류체계, 미국의 폐기물 관리, 미국의 폐기물 재활용기관(CWC), 미국의 폐기물 처리현황, 미국의 폐기물 제도(예치금제도), 미국의 폐기물 민자유치 사례 분석
    Ⅰ. 개요 1978년에 발생된 「러브 캐널」사건으로 과거에 투기된 유해 폐기물에 의해 오염된 토양의 정화 책임 문제를 유효하게 대처하기 위하여 1980년에 「포괄적 환경대책 보상책임법(CERCLA, 통칭 수퍼 펀드법)」이 제정되었고, 그 후 1986년에 이 법은 대폭 개정되어 「수퍼 펀드 수정 및 재수권법(SALA
    2013-08-05 | 5,000원 | 11p | 미국 폐기물 분류체계 재활용기관 예치금제도 민자유치   [미국 폐기물][폐기물 재활용기관(CWC)]미국의 폐기물 분류체계, 미국의 폐기물 관리, 미국의 폐기물 재활용기관(CWC), 미국의 폐기물 처리현황, 미국의 폐기물 제도(예치금제도), 미국의 폐기물 민자유치 사례 분석
  • [환경시스템설계] 폐수처리시설 설계(영문)
    wastewater and recycled activated sludge are introduced typically at several points in the aeration tank. The organic load on the aeration tank, MLSS concentration, and oxygen demand are uniform throughout the tank. An advantage of the CMAS process is the dilution of shock loads that occur in the treatment of industrial wastewaters. The CMAS process is relatively simple to operate but tends to ha
    2011-02-08 | 2,400원 | 31p | 폐수처리시설 설계 환경시스템설계 처리 폐수   [환경시스템설계] 폐수처리시설 설계(영문)
  • [에너지공학] PAFC(PhosphoriciAcid Fuel Cell)
    Electrochemical devices that convert chemical energy in fuels into electrical energy directly High efficiency & low environmental impact Component Five fundamental classes exist, depending on the nature of the electrolyte PAFC AFC
    2010-08-31 | 2,800원 | 35p | 에너지공학 Fuel PAFC 에너지 Cell   [에너지공학] PAFC(PhosphoriciAcid Fuel Cell)
  • [화학공학] Eco-friendly fuel and battery(영문)
    fuel through partial oxidation. The coal is fed into a high-temperature pressurized container along with steam and a limited amount of oxygen to produce a gas. The gas is known as synthesis gas or syngas and mainly consists of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The gas is cooled and undesirable components, such as carbon dioxide and sulphur are removed. The gas can be used as a fuel or further process
    2010-06-30 | 1,800원 | 15p | and of the to is fuel as cell for The   [화학공학] Eco-friendly fuel and battery(영문)
  • [물리화학] FUEL CELL(영문)
    fuel. Fuel cell is the bright prospective technique and it already spreads out in many industrial field like hydrogen fueled car. However, although our interest in fuel cell is increasing, the stage of the development is still slight. To develop fuel cell technique as the core industry, we have to construct effective infrastructures from extraction to supply. So, in this project, our team has sea
    2006-12-05 | 1,400원 | 12p | the of and to fuel is in cell are hydrogen   [물리화학] FUEL CELL(영문)
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